From the bustling streets of China to the wide-open landscapes of Australia, from the challenges of being an international student to the triumphs of a global career, this book reveals the untold stories of a life lived outside my comfort zone. Journey with me from coding in C++ to writing books, from the vibrant energy of Burning Man to the icy silence of Antarctica.

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从中国到澳洲,从留学生👩🏻‍🎓到Google创意技术专家👩‍💻,从生性内向到TEDx演讲者👩🏻‍🎤, 从代表澳大利亚参与20国青年领袖联盟到踏上南极探险之旅🐧, 我的人生因改变而精彩💡好奇心和持续学习是我不断前进的驱动力,我将继续迎接新的挑战,探索#舒适圈以外的生活。🐾  #探索舒适圈 #舒适圈以外